A double post today, but wanted to get out this information ASAP. I just learned about two more pups in need. The email I received reads:
While I was at the Lake of the Ozarks this weekend I came across these two adorable little puppies that were going to be shot because the owner could not afford to keep them or find them a home. They where previously abandoned on their door step and the shelter at the Lake would not take them because of over crowding. So of course I brought them home with me. I however cannot keep the little guys and would love for all of you to pass this email along so we can find them a good home.
My best guess is they are somewhere close to 12 weeks old both are boys and I think are a mix between a lab, Rottweiler, or boxer. I am not really sure though. Both of them are as sweet as can be and just need a little love and attention.
If you or anyone you know may want either little guy please let me know as soon as possible. Otherwise I will be taking them to an animal Shelter here in St. Louis.
If you are interested, email me at K9friend1@sbcglobal.net
I will pass along your contact information.
Aww, these poor babies deserve a home! Good luck! Unfortunately, I'm too far away and also up to my ears in canine...but hopefully someone will have room in their hearts and home for these babies.
I hope the pooches find a good home.
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