Critter Alley

Critter Alley

Thursday, February 4, 2010


From time to time something on television really catches Bogey's attention. Then he'll watch the screen with the intensity of a research scientist studying a new laboratory slide.

In the photo you see one of his more unusual television watching poses. By lying on the DVR and letting his head hang over the edge, he's created the perfect kitty recliner. Ahhhh. Now that's relaxation. All that's missing is the popcorn.

Hope your weekend provides equal pleasures!


BECKY said...

I'm glad that's a comfy position for Bogey, 'cause if it was me, I'd have a heck of a neck ache!

The Word Place said...

Ah, Bogey, the joys of cat-hood...

Sketching with Dogs said...

Cats get in the funniest places, no matter how small or uncomfortable looking. Bet Bogey can feel the warmth off the DVD player.

Linda O'Connell said...
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Linda O'Connell said...

Pat, this is one for the books. Send it to a magazine. It is too cute.

Anonymous said...

That is a truly splendid picture of Bogey!

Donna Volkenannt said...

How cute! Wonder what he was watching?

Unknown said...

I had to enlarge the photo to really enjoy it. BOL katz are nuts. Love it. One of our katz permanently sits on the DVR but he's not half as cute as Bogey.

Life With Dogs said...

What a hoot! He's going to need a neck brace! :)

Tammy said...

I don't know which is funnier--his pose or his resourcefulness!

Unknown said...

Clever kitty but aren't they all!

We used to have a delightful little hamster named Rusty who loved to sit on his hind legs in front of the TV and watch for indefinite periods of time. So cute!

Thanks for following my blog and I am now following Critter Alley!

Later, Marlene

Ryker said...

Very cute, but Ryker says Bogey needs a head rest!

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

thanks for visiting our bloggy! of course we'd love to be friends!

saige guinness and groucho!