Critter Alley

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Update Number 2
Thanks so much to all of you for extending get well wishes to Indy. We have such wonderful blogger pals!
As best I can tell, Indy's doing pretty well. He appears to feel fine and has regained his appetite. No more vomiting or diaharrea (knocking wood superstitiously). While not 100% his old self, I'm pleased. He continues to get his homemade diet of chicken, rice, and carrots. I've added cottage cheese and extra vitamin E, as I've read that these are helpful for dogs with liver disease. He's still on antibiotics, and I'm also giving him Denosyl (a type of the supplement, SAM-E) once daily. This supplement is also reported to help dogs with impaired liver function. Apparently nothing will restore what he's lost, we're simply trying to maintain what he has left. And so far, so good!
In regard to NaNo, I'm not nearly as far along as last year at this time. My goal is 2,000 words per day, and right now I'm only at just over 20,000. If I was on top of my game I'd be at 28,000 before today ended. Of course, today hasn't ended yet so, who knows? : )
Hope all of you are doing well! I feel very out of the loop, so I'm looking forward to visiting your blogs soon!
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Glad Indys a little better.
I'm so glad he's feeling a little better now. That is such a sweet photo of him. I'll be wishing you both the best.
Am pushing for both of you!!
I'm glad to hear that Indy is holding his own.
Nubbin wiggles,
What great news Indy
Benny & Lily
Glad Indy is doing better, for him and for you!! And don't worry about NANO, you'll write as much as humanly possible, and you'll be a winner, because you at least tried. (I sound like a soccer mom, don't I??!!)
A good appetitie is a great sign. I'm keeping my paws crossed and we are praying for you guys. It is so hard when you have a sick baby.
Terrific news! Indy is lucky to have so caring and persistent a "mom". We'll keep our thoughts positive that he will continue to do well and improve.
Good luck with your NaNo, but don't let it stress you!
Wonderful news that he is getting better. hugs to you both
I'm glad Indy is a bit better! And I keep it up, I'm sure you'll make your goal for NanoWrimo!
Continuing the good thoughts for Indy, glad Indy is feeling better.
Good to hear Indy is eating well and you have found some treatments that are helping to stabilize him. He looks good and you sound better too.
Don't sweat the NANO to much. Gotta smell the flowers!
Glad Indy is feeling better. Good for you to at least write at all considering all the stress and so forth with your "baby". I agree with Becky, you'll write what you can and you're still a winner! Best to both of you for good health and good writing.
I'm pleased to hear Indy's doing better. I will pray for a continued improvement. I know how painful and frustrating it is to watch your little canine friend suffer.
Blessings to you both!
Take care of you too, Pat. Happy to hear Indy is better.
Hi Pat,
Glad to hear Indy is doing better. Take care of yourself, too.
Donna V.
millie and i send our healing angels to you. we love you.
Glad to hear Indy's doing better :) Sounds like he's gettin some pretty yummy vittles out of this :)
Wishin you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope you had a Lovely Thanksgiving and that Indy (and Bogie) is doing well.
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