Critter Alley

Critter Alley

Monday, September 23, 2013

Everything I Do

Isn't it awesome to have critters by your side when you sit at the computer to work? I swear they could be clear in the next county until the moment I'm in front of that screen.

Some choose to crawl under the desk and artfully tangle at least one dozen wires around their bodies. On an exceptional day, they're able to disconnect a few, too.

Some prefer to knock over books or sit on top of papers. Only the important ones, mind you, because nobody cares about junk.

The keyboard is another popular place for furry friends to perch. I surmise the comfort level must be exceptionally high, with an orthopedic alphabet cushioning every move.

Then we have the nose nudges. This helps create such literary masterpieces as:

We woped doqn the entere poace with spft cluthes.

Perhaps I can claim to write in code.

Critters, critters, everywhere. I guess its the nature of critter love. So thanks, guys. Thanks for demanding desiring to be part of everything I do.

Anytime we can help, Mom. Anytime...


Sioux Roslawski said...

A darling photo, Pat.

Fireblossom said...

LOL! Bosco thinks the computer is boring. He likes tv time a lot better, and will try his best to get me to switch.

GOOSE said...

Hey that's what we critters are for.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Aren't they wonderful. Elliot always chooses to be on my lap whatever I do. He starts off small and light and ends up the weight of a baby elephant and my legs are completely numb.
Lynne x

Unknown said...

Ha ha always a helpful paw to hand! Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Linda O'Connell said...

They are your furry office assistants. And I know they bring much joy to your life.

Two French Bulldogs said...

BOL we follow mom around so close we trip her
Benny & Lily

Cinnamon said...

Those little feet and face are so cute, coming from under the monitor.
They always watch our every move.

xo Cinnamon

Lisa Ricard Claro said...

They're the best muses. :) Right now our dogs, Rigby and Penny, are sprawled out next to me and the cat just finished her nap (she lays behind the laptop where heat is generated) and jumped off my desk on her way to visit the cat box. She'll be back. :-D

Ryker said...

I can so totally relate to this post Pat! I have two furry monsters that seem to love my keyboard!

Ann Summerville said...


Mary Horner said...

If only they could type, that would make our jobs so much easier!

challenge coins said...

Ha ha always a helpful paw to hand! Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

challenge coins said...

Yep- that's cuz pets are awesome! Play bows angel furiend,

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Before I raised my desk to standing height for health reasons, Mabel would hook her paw in the arm of my chair and give me a spin when she deemed it was quitting time. Or creek time. Or dinner time. Or scritchy time.

Donna Volkenannt said...

How cute. What would we do without our pets? Our Lab comes up and nudges my arm when I've been at it too long. Usually he wants a treat, but sometimes he just wants some attention.

Tammy said...

You said it. And that priceless picture explains why we put up with it.