Photo by Barbara Kinney/The White House
I would be remiss if I didn't post a belated memorial tribute to former White House pet, Socks the cat. Socks passed away on February 20, 2009, a few months after being diagnosed with mouth and jaw cancer. At the time of his death, Socks was estimated to be 18 or 19 years old.
Perhaps you recall that Chelsea Clinton adopted the handsome black and white tuxedo kitten after spying him living as a stray. It was a match made in heaven that continued into the White House, until the arrival of Buddy, the Clinton's Labrador Retriever. Despite Hillary Clinton's optimistically titled book called "Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kid's Letters to the First Pets", alas, the family soon saw turmoil. It seems that Socks and Buddy simply could not co-exist peacefully. In a controversial move, the Clintons placed Socks in the home of Bill Clinton's secretary, Betty Currie. The two were obviously attached to each other, but the public decried the perceived abandonment of the cat for the dog. Despite the furor, Socks remained in the home of Mrs. Currie from that time forward, and by all accounts lived a happy, nap-filled life. Meanwhile, Buddy the dog, later met an unfortunate demise when he bolted into the street and was run over by a car. (Where was his leash, people??)
So join me in a toast to the memory of Socks. May he wander the Rainbow Bridge in
purr-fect peace.
From the streets to the White House---quite an odyssey. RIP, Socks.
I remember the furore when Socks changed homes, but if you ask me, he got the best end of the deal.
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