Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse.
That face...those ears...Who doesn't recognize the mighty little mouse that built an empire? Conceived in 1928 by Walt Disney, Mickey Mouse started on the road to stardom in animated films. As he gained in popularity, Mickey's career evolved into animated television shows, merchandising (on every item imaginable), theme parks and comic strips. Drawn by Floyd Gottfredson, a daily comic strip featuring Mickey Mouse and his critter friends ran from 1930 to 1975. Mickey Mouse is unusual in that the strip was actually created after the animated movies and television shorts came, rather than vice versa. And after all these years, he's still going strong. I'll bet there are few people around the world who can't name that happy fellow in red pants.
Back in the day, I can still remember wearing my beanie hat mouse ears as I watched one of Mickey's lively incarnations as star of the Mickey Mouse Club. Ah, those innocent days of watching Annette and Cubby on our fuzzy-pictured black and white television!
For longevity and the pure joy he brings, Mickey Mouse comes in as my number 2 favorite cartoon critter.
1 comment:
I bought my first Mickey Mouse watch when I was 50, and I'm on my second one now! Hooray for Mickey!
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