Critter Alley

Critter Alley

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Beanie Bo-Baby

Well I suppose it had to happen. The Ty Company has just released a brand new Beanie Baby modeled after...who else?

Bo, the First Pet.

So if you'd like a cuddly, no-worry version of the most famous Portuguese Water Dog on earth, check out your local retailer. It's reported that a portion of sales will be donated to animal welfare organizations, so your purchase will also be helping critters in need.

H'mmmm. I think he'd look cute perched atop my computer screen, don't you?


Anonymous said...

Well, at least it will benefit animals in need. He is a cute creature.

Anonymous said...

I reserve the right to make NO COMMENT! LOL

However, you did remind me that I am missing my computer-pal Beanies that apparently never got unpacked after the move! They are Schweeheart the Orangutang and Teeny Beany Schweeheart, which was a promotional perk from some fast-food chain years ago.

NOW,of course, I'll have to go hunt them out, and I don't have a clue WHERE they are packed up!


Donna Volkenannt said...

I expect WebKinz will be next.