Critter Alley

Critter Alley

Friday, May 1, 2009

Cuivre River Anthology IV

Cuivre River Anthology IV is Saturday Writers' latest anthology. It contains selections in four areas: poetry, essays, short stories, and flash fiction by many award winning writers. The book opens with two poetry selections written by Missouri's first Poet Laureate, Walter Bargen.

Among the contributors are some friends and fellow Saturday Writers, including yours truly.

The book is a lovely collection. It's easy to pick up and read a story or two, and then come back later for more. Or, if you're greedy like me, you can devour it in one sitting.

Kudos to Lou Turner and Donna Volkenannt who did an outstanding job as co-editors.

If you'd like to order a copy, check out the Saturday Writers website.


Donna Volkenannt said...

Hi Pat,
Thanks for your kind words, and thanks for allowing us to include your wonderful essay in the anthology.

Anonymous said...

Pat, is there a problem with the website at the moment? I could not get the link to the Saturday Writers site to open.

Pat Wahler said...

Hi Linda! Not sure what the problem is because the link goes through for me. Maybe it's one of those little blogger glitches!