There's one career that appears to be recession proof. Dog grooming.
For three straight Saturdays I've tried to get Indy to his groomer with no success. Granted, I tend to wait til the day I need the appointment, but really...Why should it be so tough? In disloyalty sparked by complete frustration, I've even called every other groomer within 5 miles of me. Forget it, they're all booked. Now I might expect this difficulty from my own hairdresser, who works in a semi-ritzy spa, but for a pet groomer? Apparently there is no economic struggle tough enough to keep a dog from his shampoo and haircut.
Guess I'd better learn to schedule Indy's appointment way, way in advance cause he's now shaggy as a piece of 70's carpet. Smells a bit ripe, too...an added reminder for action.
So I'm calling the groomer again. Could I be so lucky as to get Indy "worked in" THIS Saturday?
Or will it be necessary to opt for the inevitable- "We'll call you if someone cancels"?
The industry is less advanced in Britain but definitely on the rise here. We have never taken Barkley to one of these places. I can just imagine the havoc he would cause!
The house elf told me yesterday about a new pet store she visited which has, for a standard price based on the size of the dog,a do-it-yourself dog wash. They furnish the tub, towels, tools--you furnish the time! Is this the wave of the future?
Meanwhile, I chuckled over poor "ripe" Indy and hope that he can be buffed and fluffed soon!
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