As you may recall, on Monday Indy had a scheduled follow up for a minor procedure that turned into a major ordeal primarily due to the medication he was given afterward. I couldn't decide whether to take him back for the appointment or not.
All my angst over the decision was wasted. Due to snowy, slippery roads, we canceled the appointment anyway. Haven't rescheduled it either. His eyelid looks fine to me. He's been to the regular vet twice since the surgery and has finally recovered from the never-to-be-taken-again meds. I have a new philosophy about the whole thing.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Glad it sorted its self out :-)
A friend took her dog for his shots and he almost died. HAs since recovered but he had an allergic reaction. Vet said he's seen it twice.I'm all for if it ain't broke...
Mother nature gave you your answer? :) I sure hope all your trouble are over! Indy, your momma's word is the law. I bet you'll be just fine.
I subscribe to the same philosophy. Sometimes rocking the boat can set off a whole chain of unwanted events. I'm glad Indy's ordeal ended so well.
That is such good news. It sounds as though he is absolutely fine.
Hi Pat,
It's good to hear things are going well with Indy.
I have a dog story to share and a question.
Earlier this week Walt took Harley to be groomed. I got a call shortly afterwards to come pick him up. Seems Harley was too wild for the groomer. He wouldn't let him dry him or clip his nails. The groomer is a male and he thought a female groomer might have better luck. Has this ever happened to you?
Amen to that! Glad to hear that the Top Dog is back on top of his game!
I'm so glad your little guy is back to his old self!!! I used to go to a large, well-known place in a wealthy part of town because I thought it meant my dogs would get the best care. After the vet there recommended a couple of procedures that just didn't "feel" right, I found out--from 2 different sources--that this place has a reputation for doing unnecessary stuff to run up bills! :-o I'm not saying that's your vet at all, but just that it taught me sometimes it's best to err on the side of caution!
Good Philosophy...Here here!
Oskar & I are glad that Indy is doing better. Thanks for stopping by Oskars blog & becoming a follower. We're gonna follow you too!
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