Critter Alley

Critter Alley

Friday, March 26, 2010

One Decade Old

All is forgiven

Can you believe it? I forgot that Indy's 10th birthday was on Tuesday! And I even marked it on my calendar. Goes to show how much I need to step up the blueberries (my memory fruit).

I hightailed it to the treat store yesterday to buy an assortment of "I'm sorry" birthday goodies. As soon as I walked in the door, the tantalizing scent of cinnamon grabbed my attention. The place smelled better than Starbucks, and certainly made my mouth water.

But it was time to go to work. I picked up a birthday bone, a bag of assorted treats, dental chews, and a "power chewer" bone. Then I started looking at the toys.

Finally, I restrained myself. Surely this would be enough to make one little dog happy. I bundled up the purchases and headed for home.

Tail's end: Indy is delighted and all is forgiven.

And that's a good thing. Because next I plan to schedule Indy's much dreaded haircut. I need to find the schnauzer under all those teddy bear curls.


BECKY said... cute! Happy Belated Birthday, Indy! I'm sure he didn't even realize you were a couple of days late! :)

Tammy said...

Happy birthday, Indy! How on earth did you get him to pose with a cookie at his feet like that?!! While looking UP at the camera?!! Amazing.

Bandit's Pack said...

What a sweetie! Happy Birthday, Indy! Enjoy all those new goodies! BTW: I love your new header picture!!

The Word Place said...

Food/treats = forgiveness for all!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Indy, master of the household (or perhaps co-master with Bogey). Enjoy your day at the doggie spa from which you will emerge more handsome than ever!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Birfday!

I'm sure woo will have a pawesome pawty weekend!


Unknown said...

Yeah, Indy! You're older than the Acropolis my furiend! Aren't you glad mommy forgot your birthday and then had to get extra treats to make up for it? I hope you like getting your hair cut because heads up, you're getting one. Happy birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

Pat, this is such a sweet post. But don't feel bad...I actually forgot until last night that my daughter's 23rd birthday is Tuesday! Luckily, she made it easy for me because the gifts she wanted could be purchased on amazon, and with extra shipping cost, I could arrange to have the packages in time for her birthday! Great picture of your darling Indy!

Deborah said...

That was so funny! Sometimes I forget too! I didn't know blueberries were the memory fruit, I better eat more of them!!!
Have a nice weekend!

Ryker said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO YOU INDY!!! Don't let mom off the hook to easy, you got to work it dude.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Indy

Wow double digits!!!

From Linda
(my Akita rescue)

Unknown said...

Aww, we had an old dog with a beard! He was a sweetie. Happy belated birthday Indy and many more! And how do you like your new haircut?