Critter Alley

Friday, January 7, 2011
A Contest and a Chilldown
Here's a quick heads and tails up for Critter Alley readers. Cathy C. Hall is running a contest at her blog, Cathy C's Hall of Fame.
Cathy is a Southern writer with sass, class, and a great sense of humor. If you register as one of her new followers, you're eligible to win a Barnes and Noble gift card. And who wouldn't love to have that?
Meanwhile back at the home front, my personal pet therapists have been successful. I'm feeling much better, thank you, despite the glacial conditions under which I'm working. My office is located in an enormous cinder block building that's heated and cooled by some techno geek located, I believe, somewhere in a far distant country. We've been told that the building's thermostat is definitely set at a comfortable 67 degrees.
All you have to do is walk through our office to realize somebody's thermometer has malfunctioned. Each worker is decked out in coat, muffler, hat, and gloves. (It's not easy to type with gloves, believe me). I even keep an afghan tucked around my ankles. It looks like we're working in a square igloo rather than a cubicle. I don't look for any improvement soon, because the weather is due to drop back into even more frigid temps.
One thing is for sure, dressing like Nanuck of the North definitely saves on wardrobe money. No one notices that I now wear long johns and battery operated socks rather than pantsuits and dress jackets. H'mmm. Wonder if that's a violaton of the dress code?
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Oh my!! Where do you work?? I remember us having to dress like that at the newspaper I used to work for a couple of times but that was due to a broken heater. I hope it warms up for you!
Thanks for the heads-up about the give-away!
Cat Chat
Oh I don't miss those days of dealing with office temperatures, at all! I hoope things improve, soon!
Mom said those were the days, whatever that means. Sounds interesting, we will check out that lady's blog
Benny & Lily
SHIVER SHIVER I'm not good with the cold stuffs. I would prolly wear my camo jams if I had to be where you work!
Battery-operated socks? I need to get me some of those asap!
Hope it warms up for you soon!
Hahahaha! I probably shouldn't laugh, but dang, Pat, you have to admit your Artic get-up is funny. :-)
Thanks so much for the contest shout-out! And the awfully kind words.
(P.S. Good Luck and keep warm-which reminds me. I need batteries.;-)
A toast 67? How about a bearable 72?
Are they trying to save money and end up getting you all sick? Good grief!
Mom says people she worked with khould always tell when it was FINALLY too khold bekhause Mom would put on a jakhket or something -
She's hearty like me!
PeeEssWoo: We visited C's Contest!
Sounds as bad as working with a menopausal coworker, except you're all shivering. I feel for you.
awwww, miss pat, i'm sorry you had those icky sickies, too! your office sounds totally chilly willies! i think you should get your very own personal space heater for your cubicle area!
the booker man
You should bring Indy to cuddle in your lap & keep you warm!
Nubbin wiggles,
Thank you for visiting my site and I am now a following your blog. I look forward to reading your posts on a regular basis.
My office located is in the back of the building and it seems that's where all the heat is. I roast, but those whose offices are up front are freezing. So I just keep running back and forth. :0)
Have a great day!
Ooh, we wouldnt like working in that office! We hate the cold. Brrrr! Thanks for letting everyone know about the giveaway too.
I hope things warm up soon!
xxx Oz
Love the picture - it's worth a thousand words. I know what you mean. Our temperature is governed by places unknown via computer. We have people wearing arctic clothes and others growing palm trees in their offices. Hope you're feeling better.
Hi Pat! I love your new blog template and photo of Indy and Bogey!! Wow, I can't believe how cold your office is. Can you bring in a space heater to put by your tootsies?? I can't stand having cold feet and sometimes I can't get them to warm up even with socks and slippers, under the bed covers!!
Too bad those heat-bill-cutting bosses don't realize that people can't work when they're that cold! No wonder you've been sick. I feel for you!
Hope things warm up for you and you are feeling better. Thanks for visiting us at our blog we are new followers.
I'm speaking for your critters here in "Thanking You" so much for working in those horrible conditions to make sure that said critters are probably snuggled up quite warmly somewhere back at your home as you typed this post. Is it any wonder that we pets love our best friends so much ? Nice to meet you,,, a fellow Blog Hopper, and I hope to talk to you again real soon. Have a blessed 2011.
Following back! Thanks so much. Have a great week!
your new friends,
koco & viking
I hope you soon feel better and get some warmth at work. I just love the photo.
Stay warm!!!! I couldn't deal at ALL!!!
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