Critter Alley

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
It's Cold and Flu Season...Again
Sniff. Achoo! Snuffle. Cough! Sigh...
For the last week, our house has sounded a whole lot like the waiting room of a doctor's office. Both Hubby and I have been held hostage to the clutches of some Exceptionally Obnoxious Cold that doesn't want to let go.
Only yesterday, a glimmer of light appeared for me. I felt much better. Didn't need to blow my nose half as much. Not a single sneeze jolted me. Then today...kapow! I'm not sure if it's the same bug that's returned just for the heck of it, or if a new one has arrived because it's so much fun to hang out with me. I hear that news travels fast among microbes. Isn't that what coined the term, "going viral"?
Anyway, I can always depend upon my good pals, Indy and Bogey, to help me once I retreat to the bed. Indy plasters himself to my backside, morphing into a furry hot water bottle. Bogey pushes his face so close to mine that his whiskers tickle my nose more than a persistent housefly. This, of course, does wonders to clear up a clogged sinus passage. Oh, the delights of cold and flu season.
But tomorrow is another day. And if I'm lucky, I'll soon be able to breathe without the assistance of Vicks Vaporub.
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My mom's furend said that she believes VICKS to be a designer fragrance.
Sorry 'bout that scent being in your air!
Yep, sounds about like our house. I keep thinking I am over and then it comes BACK!
Aww.. I hope you start feeling better soon.
A couple of years ago, I don't know what was wrong with me but I was sick the ENTIRE winter! It was ridiculous, I was exhausted! I even went to the doctor and he said I was just having a "Bad run".. PFFFT!
We hope you feel better soon. Both of my people are just getting over being sick, too.
Nubbin wiggles,
Feel better!
You poor thing - so far we have managed to avoid cooties but I'm knocking on wood as I type this!
Feel better soon...
Good old Vicks Vaporub! Docs say it doesn't work. They should try it sometime. It's a staple in my medicine cabinet!
Hope you feel better soon, Pat!
And best to Indy and Bogey. They are true friends in sickness and in health...
Too early to be typing. Nothing worse than a wrap around cough/cold, and nothing better than a puppy or kitty to help you feel better. Get well soon.
Do hope you're feeling normal soon! Love that the pets keep watch over you.
Ugh. So far I have managed to avoid any sort of bug. But I am sure one day it will hit me.
I hope you continue to feel better. When I'm sick, I tend to throw back a shot of NyQuil and try to sleep it off.
Awwe! Feel better!
Bummer. Feel better soon!
I'm sure you will feel much better soon with your 2 special medical assistants!
They are dropping like flies over here with colds and flu, we all had it before Christmas (don't get that much attention from our lot though - unless there is a biscuit hidden about my person!)
Lynne x
My momma swore by Vicks vapor rub. When my brothers and sisters and I got colds, Mom rubbed Vicks on our chests before we went to bed. She also smeared some on our hankies (we didn't use tissues back then) to keep us breathing at school.
And God love Indie and Bogie.
Donna V.
Your lucky to have a doggie that likes to snuggle. Ryker only wants to snuggle after the walk in the park and a good meal!
I am finally feeling fine again so there is hope!
Poor you - I've had it this week too. Sure zaps all the energy out of you - if I could only stop coughing long enough to get some sleep . . .
So sorry to find you under the weather, but maybe you'll win that Barnes and Noble gift card for your trouble!
Thanks again for the follow-and you know you can get more chances to win if you spread the news!
(P.S. I'm a big believer in HOT baths for bugs. And pretty much anything else that ails ya.)
Pets are such good helpers when you're sick, aren't they? Last time I had an intestinal virus, my dog kept coming up to the edge of the bed and squeaking toys in my face. Hope you're better!
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