Critter Alley

Critter Alley

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lazy Tuesday

Care to join me?


BECKY said...

Awwww.....looks like the perfect thing to do on this chilly and wet Tuesday! Yep, I'm lazy, too!

Mariodacat said...

Love it. I plan on doing dat much of the day too - just snuggle in.

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

We'll join you!!! Here we coooooome!!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Two French Bulldogs said...

O do you look comfy. Shhhh
Benny & Lily

Ann Summerville said...

Probably not thinking of any upcoming chores/commitments either. What a lovely life.

Kari in Alaska said...

Someone is very comfy

Stop of by for a visit!

Linda O'Connell said...

That kind of day!

Ryker said...

Dose your mom really keep your bed on the dinning table? Good view out the window!

Donna Volkenannt said...

I'm with Bogie. Today is perfect for taking a nap.

Lisa Ricard Claro said...

That's one comfy feline! What a great way to spend an afternoon. :)

The Word Place said...

Now that is one contented cat!

Tammy said...

That is one contented kitty. Love it.

Shane Kent Louis said...

Woof, still sleeping on that soft couch, sounds pretty good!

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

Pup Fan said...

I need a day like that!

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

The kitty looks so cute sleeping on the bed. Mommy said it reminds of her when she was young and she had a kitty. She put a pillow on the desk by the window so the kitty and doggie could look out the window and be comfy.