Critter Alley

Critter Alley

Thursday, November 24, 2011

We Are Thankful

We'll return to Blueberry Hill next post, but it's Thanksgiving Day and we couldn't let it go by without wishing all of you a happy, safe, and relaxing holiday. Thank you so much for being followers and readers of Critter Alley. You are awesome (or should we say "paw-some"?)

In honor of the day, Indy and Bogey put their heads together to come up with their top ten list of things for which they are thankful. They asked me to share it with you.

Top 10 things for which Indy and Bogey are thankful:

10. Naptime. 20 hours a day is about right.

9. Playtime. Guess who likes the tug and who likes the feather teaser?

8. Naughties. Irresistable things we aren't supposed to do. But we do anyway. Often.

7. Going someplace. Unless it's to the vet. Or the groomer.

6. Being outside. Mud is especially fun (see #8).

5. When Mom comes home from work. Feels like we haven't seen her in a gazillion years!

4. Home. It keeps us dry and cozy.

3. Treats. Our favorites are always on hand. Do you suppose there's a treat fairy?

2. Snuggle time. Sometimes we can both fit in one lap. Barely.

And our number 1 reason to be thankful?

1. Mom. Somehow she makes efurrything fit together!

As you enjoy your day, please take a minute to consider the things for which you are thankful. No matter your circumstances, I'm pretty sure it will make you feel very blessed indeed.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Fireblossom said...

Bosco says that he agrees with Indy and Bogey's list! We want to wish you guys a very happy Thanksgiving. :-)

Anonymous said...

What a great photo! :D

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! :D

Waggin at ya,

Unknown said...

That is a wonderful list! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Nellie and Kozmo

Linda O'Connell said...

What a sweet post. Happy Thanksgiving.

Mariodacat said...

Happy Thanksgiving friends. We are thankful for so much - including you. Love that picture you did. It's so cute.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for one thing you can't replace...old friends. I place you and yours at the top of the list.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Peg and me

An English Shepherd said...

Great photo!

Happy Thanksgiving :-)

Leigh said...

Happy Thanksgiving - that is a lovely list and a brilliant photo - love from Magic xx

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I like your list very much!

Sherry said...

What a great photo, a truly wonderful Thanksgiving card for a happy day.

Lynn said...

Hope you and your pets had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Cute post.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

wonderful post and an important reminder!

We hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving!

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Such a nice post! I think there is a treat fairy. There's gotta be one. Benji just barked, that means he must agree with me.

Ann Summerville said...

I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. I couldn't access your e-mail address so I'll ask you here - would you be interested in doing a guest post on my blog?

Tammy said...

I wonder if I should be depressed that my ten things are pretty much the same as your pets'...except I'd switch the mom part for my children. And I don't mind grooming too much, though I'm not terribly fond of the price tag.

Pup Fan said...

Great list. :)

(Also, I wish I could have that much naptime per day!)