Missouri Conservationist
Here's another plug for the wonderful publication, Missouri Conservationist. The July issue (June issue pictured) has a spread on photographing plants and wildlife. They don't have this issue online yet, but the cover is a rare photo of a grey fox. The photographer/author's article is filled with outstanding pictures that illustrate his suggestions for getting perfect nature shots.
Missouri Conservationist is a steal. It's free to Missouri residents and available at a very nominal subscription fee for non-Missourians.
Tom got me a dollar checking account specifically so I can subscribe to this magazine and I am currently awaiting my first one. I am excited to be able to get it sent to me here in Britain and the fee is a ridiculously low $10 per annum!
It sounds like a terrific magazine. I'll look into it. We have much wildlife here in the Village--some of which I'd as soon not see, like black bear, at least not close up! A zoom lens perhaps?
Hi Pat,
You are absolutely right; it is a wonderful magazine. Every month my husband and grandson fight over who gets to read it first after it arrives in the mail. But, Hello, my name is on the mailing label, so shouldn't I get to read it first?
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