Yesterday I attended a local writer's gathering sponsored by the St. Charles City County Library. About 30 writers were there, showcasing their published work. It was wonderful to see everyone, especially the people who came out and visited with us. Many thanks to the library for hosting this event.
Today I'm heading to Branson for the Ozark Writer's League workshop. I know I'll enjoy my time away, but I've been so NaNo obsessed that I can't help but feel a little guilty. However, I'm not bringing the laptop along. There's too many things we'll be doing in Branson and I don't want to see it sitting in accusatory silence.
My word count is now 46,690, so the end is in sight. Hopefully I can get back on track Sunday and (I hope) finish up before Thanksgiving.
Until then, write on!
Hi Pat,
It was good to see you last night at the author event. Hope you have a great time at OWL. It's such a fun and supportive group.
Most of all, congratulations on being so close to 50K words in NaNo.
You are inspiring!
Come back soon, Pat! And check your email.
I'm so impressed, you've left us all in your wake. Enjoy some time off.
I can't wait to hear about your story.
Fantastic Pat! You are going great guns with Nano and I know you are a busy lady aside from your writing too. I'm glad the library event went well and I hope you also have a good day with OWL. You have been an inspiration to me throughout Nano and it is largely thanks to you and Judy I sm nearing the finishing line myself. Thank you my friend!
So glad to see you last Thursday! I hope you have fun in Branson. And congrats on Nano!
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