It's a big Woo-Hoo for me! I finally finished NaNoWriMo today at over 50,200 words. It was lovely to see that little green bar fill in completely. Joy. Bliss. Euphoria.
My story is a long way from finished. I need to do some major rewrites of the ending and have plenty of other loose ends to tie up. Then it's back to the beginning to edit, revise, and polish.
And for those of you who wonder...Yes. Critters have a big role in the story, but that's all I'm saying for now!
Will I ever do NaNo again? It's certainly been a terrific learning experience. Having only written essays, articles, and short stories before, I doubted myself. Could I really write a book length manuscript? And do it in 30 days? Now I know I can.
NaNo brought out my competitive nature. I don't know if that's bad or good, but it certainly helped me write. And I love the emails that help to keep each NaNo writer going. The consistent message is "we're all in this together--now let's do it!"
Thanks for the words of encouragement from everyone. All in all, I have to say the Nano challenge is a mountain I'd encourage anyone to climb!
Congratulations, Pat! Isn't it a great feeling? I am so happy today:)
My congrats also, Pat! It's been a fun month! Could we persuade you to blog excerpts...always love reading about your critters!
Hi Pat,
A huge WOO HOO to you! How wonderful that you achieved your goal of 50K words, went to OWL over the weekend, and stopped by yesterday at critique.
I'm going to start calling you "Wonder Woman" because I wonder where you get all your energy, Woman.
Congrats Pat. Your lead has pushed me a little harder this year and I finished this evening with 50,084. Anything with critters in is sure to be delightful (unless it's a Stephen King). Can't wait to hear more.
Well done.
Don't forget to validate your word count on the website, so you get your winner certificate. If you need help, give me a yell. If you're worried about uploading it, you can scramble it.
Congratulations, Pat! Maybe I'll try it one of these years. You are an inspiration!
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