Critter Alley

Monday, June 10, 2013
What Are You Reading?
Holy Guacamole! Where did the time go? I couldn't believe it when I realized that it's been nearly a week since I last posted. Know that we haven't dropped off the face of the earth, we've just been, well, busy!
As spring approaches summer, the weather is so much more pleasant. We're actually working on getting a few things done outside. Hopefully that will keep the neighbors from shaking their fists at us.
The birds are providing tons of entertainment for Bogey. Unfortunately, this also serves to increase his efforts to escape. It takes a regular battle strategy to keep that cat from scooting out the door. Indy enjoys the sunshine as much as me, but soon enough, the temps will be sweltering. Thus the name of the game is enjoy nice days while we can.
I'm looking for something un-put-downable to read. One of my favorite authors, Anne Lamott, posted a list of her must-reads recently. However, some of the books appealed to me, and others did not. So it made me wonder, what would Critter Alley readers recommend as the perfect summer book?
I tend to enjoy stories that mimic life. A little laughter, a few tears, and a satisfying ending. Anybody got a favorite to suggest?
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MOM only reads Mysteries and Cops and Lawyers and stuffs like that...
We would rather read THE SQUIRREL DIARIES.. that we got from AMAZON.. fur our Kindle... It is soooooo fun... Molly the Wally wrote it...
We couldn't put that one down!!!
I just finished "No Buddy Left Behind" by Terri Crisp. Excellent book and a true story about a special lady who finds a way to bring home animals that the military men have become attached to in the war. Very worth reading.
Pat....this is unbelievable!! I JUST NOW wrote a blog post titled "What Are You Reading?" I swear!! I hadn't even seen yours yet. I hadn't read ANY blogs yet today!! Too bizarre! Please stop by. Maybe the one I'm reading you might enjoy! :)
We are reading What The Dog Ate by Jackie Bouchard and even the dedication made us laugh. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly
I am reading Mother of Pearl by Melinda Haynes, her debut novel, 1999 which was on Oprah's recommended list. I am amazed at how she can turn a phrase, her prose is spectacular and her verbs are so vivid.
At the moment I am reading A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki and really enjoying it.
Lynne x
"Family Interrupted" by Linda Barrett, which I won through a blog giveaway on the author's site. :)
Mike recommends "A Dog's Purpose" (2010), by W. Bruce Cameron, and its 2012 sequel, "A Dog's Journey." He says be sure to read them in order and to have plenty of hankies on hand.
Nora Roberts, The Search.. couldn't put it down :) xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
I just finished reading an advance readers' copy of The Wife, the Maid, and the Mistress. It's well written and a good story, a great historical fiction novel about corruption in New York during Prohibition. I think it's scheduled for release later this year or early next. I recommend it.
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